martes, 26 de abril de 2011


1.Element: a substance that cannot be broken down any further into anything simpler.

2.Atom: the smallest particle of an element that has the same chamical properties as the element.

3.Nucleus:an atom´s dense center, wheremost of its mass is.

4.Electron: a negatively charged particle that moves around an atom´s nucleus.

5.Proton:a positively charged particle inside an atom´s nucleus.

6.Neutron:a particle with no charge inside an atom´s nucleus.

7. Atomic number:the numbers of protons in an atom.

8.Metal:any of a group of elements that conduct heat and electricity, is shiny and bendable.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011


1. Matter: any solid, liquid, or gas.

2.Mass: The amount of matter in an object.

3.Volume: The amount of space an object takes up.

4.Density: The amount of mass in a certain volume of material.

5.Phisical Property: A property that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance.

6. Physical Change: A change in size,shape,or state without forming a new substance.

7.Solution: A mixture of one substance dissolved into another so that the properties are the same throughout.

8.Chemical Change: a change in matter a change in matter that produces a new substance with different properties from the original.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


There are 3 cycles that we know.
There are Water cycle, Carbon cycle, and Nitrogen cycle.
That cycles are the most commons in the World.

Water cycle

Carbon cycle

Nitrogen cycle

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Summary#3 Food web and Food Chain

There are two types of producers
Protist because the two have chlorophill.

Food Chain

Food Web

There are also consumers


Some are Herbivores. That means that only eat plants.
Some are Carnivores. That means that only eat meat.
Some others are omnivores. And that means that can eat plants and meat.

And also there are descomposers.

Summary#2 Living things and their envirorment


  Living things

Algae   Animals
Plants   Fungi


 Non-living things

Soil     Water
Air      Minerals
Light   Temperature

Summary#1 Energy Resources

Alternative energy source, geothermal energy and biomass are examples of energy resources.



Mass=Amount of matter.

Alternative energy

Here are some examples of natural alternative energy sources.


Brasil is the country #1 because is one of the only contries that use fuel make of corn.

martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


1.Desalination: getting fresh water from seawater.

2.Water cycle: the continuous movement of water between Earth's surface and the air, changing from liquid to gas to liquid.

3.Grounwater: water that seeps into spaces between bits of rock and soil.

4.Water table: the top of the water-filled spaces in the ground.

5.Aquifer: an underground layer of rock or soil filled with water.

6.Spring: a place where groundwater seeps out of the ground.

7.Well: a hole dug below the water table that water seeps into.

8.Reservoir: a storage area for freshwater suplies.